Autumn 2022 events


Expo and conference season has started! Here are your next appointments with us.  Come to visit PIONIRS’ booth: Reliable, quantitative tissue oximetry.  Your next plug and play oximeter for cutting-edge medical research.

PIONIRS new partner of VASCOVID project


We officially joined the VASCOVID European research project! COVID19 taughts us resilience and here we are, developing cutting-edge photonics technology for improving clinical diagnosis in intensive-care units. Top scientists and highly qualified research institutes are pursuing smart and disruptive solutions for non-invasive patient health monitoring. We are investing all our strengths in it and promising outcomes are already emerging. Thanks to all the great partners of this project:ICFOFisica –

PIONIRS at OSA Applied Industrial Optics 2021


This year we received an invitation by The Optical Society (OSA) to the Applied Industrial Optics 2021 conference. We will unveil our journey in transferring cutting-edge technology from research to market. Bringing novel and reliable brain and muscle oximeters to users and offering better medical diagnosis and patient monitoring. 27th of July (10:00 AM – EDT) – Save the date!Find out details HERE.

Our contribution to EPIC’s Online Quantum Technology Meeting


“The convergence of quantum technologies, digitalization, additive manufacturing, machine learning, and 3D modeling is upon us. Quantum imaging technologies will enable development of the world’s most advanced functional medical devices. These offer a wider range of functionality combined with precise, safer and less invasive diagnostics. This meeting will engage with end-users who are at the

See our talk at SPIE Photonics West 2021


Our research team is going to preset the latest development on functional brain measurements with wearable TD-NIRS devices at the largest US conference on optics and photonics: SPIE Photonics West 2021. “Walking” into freely moving brain monitoring via real-time TD-NIRS oximetry. Starting from March 6th, come to meet and talk with us about latest developments!

Motor cortex hemodynamic monitoring while walking? Take a look on SPIE Neurophotonics!


“For the first time to our knowledge, the hemodynamic motor cortex response was measured by TD fNIRS on the human brain during natural, freely walking exercises…” How many more boundaries will be broken thanks to compact TD-NIRS devices? Very interesting results have been published in this new study, made by the researchers of our team! Check it out at: Abstract: Significance: This study is a preliminary step toward