Key features
- Real-time, absolute hemodynamic readings (O2Hb, HHb, tHb, StO2);
- Compatible with all PIONIRS probes (wide variety of applications);
- Plug&play and operator independent solution;
- Measurements up to 50 Hz (with the “fast TD-NIRS” option).
The NIRSBOX is a compact, dual-wavelength, TD-NIRS system ideal for investigating and monitoring optical features in biological media, entailing ps laser pulses and single photon detection.
The device features negligible warm-up time, high precision and outstanding measurement stability.

Less than 1% variation over 14+ hours of measurement.

Less than 2% variation over one month (on tissue-mimiking phantoms).
Real-time data acquisition
PIONIRS software gives access to different levels of depth of TD-NIRS measurements, for either live plot physiological parameters or retrieving raw data (e.g. photons’ distribution of time-of-flight).

Plug-and-play solution
- Plug into your preferred platform through USB 2.0 connection;
- Rolling table and tablet configuration available (see all the ACCESSORIES);
- Battery operation mode and single board computer option on request.
Integrate NIRSBOX device into your life science acquisition platform
- Analog output signals, proportional to physiological parameters;
- Flexible external triggering capabilities;
- Add time-tags to your data stream, to highlight external stimuli and events;
- Searching for a deeper integration? Check out the NIRSBOX OEM.

Product intended to be used for research applications only, not sold as medical device. Product not intended to be used for diagnosis or disease treatments. Specifications and data are preliminary and may be subject to changes, to improve function, reliability or design.